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Safety Moment: Enhancing Workplace Safety

At HVS, safety is a core pillar of our mission. Our commitment to fostering a safer work environment stems from our belief in safeguarding our most valuable assets: our people. 

Are you actively promoting a “safety culture” within your workplace? A safety culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and attitudes within an organization that promotes safety as a fundamental aspect of its operations. It involves the collective commitment of individuals at all levels of the organization to prioritize and actively participate in creating a safe working environment.

Sound like something you want to promote? Here are some effective ideas to consider: 

safety meeting

Engage in Fun Training: Make safety training enjoyable and engaging. Encourage employees to actively participate, learn, and practice critical safety information through interactive and enjoyable training methods. Some examples would be: 

  • Playing “minute to win it” games, such as seeing who can put on all the safety protective gear the fastest, or this “higher or lower” statistics game.  
  • Writing song parodies with safety lyrics. There are many of these on YouTube or come up with your own. 
  • Creating or sharing funny “safety fail” videos to show staff what not to do.  

By incorporating fun elements, not only will employees be engaged, but they will also be more likely to remember the information.  


Introduce Safety Moments in Meetings: Incorporate regular “safety moments” into your meetings. These brief, focused discussions emphasize the importance of safety in daily operations and help keep safety at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Examples: 

  • This can be as simple as having a quick discussion about a safety concern, or a reminder of procedures and precautions. We recommend taking suggestions from staff on what they see as a priority that should be addressed. 
  • It also could be a routine, such as sharing a video of an accident (these are easy to find on the internet) and leading a discussion on what went wrong in the situation and how it could have been avoided. 
safety manager

Prioritize Employee Well-Being: Ensure that your employees feel valued and cared for. This could look like: 

  • Regular communication. Just talking with employees and listening to their concerns consistently helps them to feel heard. 
  • Provide employees access to safety resources and implement wellness programs. 
  • Encourage employee involvement to make connections with others. 
suggestions box

Take Suggestions from your Staff: Your staff are on the floor, driving through the racks and working the processes daily. Use their first-hand experiences and take their suggestions seriously to make a difference for them. Ideas include: 

  • A safety suggestion box. 
  • Regular check-ins with employees to gain feedback. 

It’s essential to assess your current safety culture regularly. Are there any safety hazards that haven’t yet been addressed? Have you evaluated your safety culture? Let HVS help with that! Our innovative solutions have helped thousands of customers find a safety solution that has led to real results!  

Often, organizations only consider safety solutions after an accident occurs. While accident prevention is crucial, it’s equally vital to maintain and reinforce safety practices over time. After an accident, new protocols may be established, safety meetings held, but eventually, these procedures fall to the wayside, and employees may revert to previous habits that contributed to accidents in the first place. How can this cycle be broken? 

Continuing to do the same things while expecting different outcomes is a recipe for disappointment. Does this sound like you? Perhaps it is time for a change. HVS can assist you in identifying and implementing innovative solutions that yield tangible results. Our camera systems can be tailored to your needs, whether that be to create a clear view for operators to decrease accidents, or to record and document pallet conditions. 

By embracing a proactive approach to safety, fostering a safety culture, and seeking permanent solutions, you can create a safer and more secure work environment for your team. HVS is here to support you in achieving these goals. 

Stop using temporary solutions and find a permanent solution with HVS! 


Written by Jessica VerBeek

Holland Vision Systems
Address: 11301 James St
Holland, MI 49424
Phone: +1-616-494-9974
Fax: 616-494-9971

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